
Friday 13 May 2011

How to create Strawberry Nails!

If you would like to create strawberry nails then keep reading!

To create strawberry nails you will need;
- A red nail varnish
- A green nail varnish
- A yellow nail varnish
- Top coat
- Dotting tools or cocktail sticks

You don't have to use these exact nail varnishes you could use any red, green and yellow nail varnish. For those who would like a dotting tool, my dotting tool came in a pack of 5 and I bought them off eBay for £2.00!

To create strawberry nails follow my nice and simple steps:

1.) Apply the red nail varnish to your nails. You may need 2 coats depending on what your nail varnish is like.

2.) Now it's time to apply the strawberry leaves. Dip the dotting tool into the green nail varnish and draw a jagged edge at the base of your nail.

3.) Once the leaves are dry it's time to draw the strawberry seeds. With a clean dotting tool, dip into the yellow nail varnish and apply tiny dots the red part of your nail (the strawberry).

4.) Once your strawberries are completely dry apply a top coat. This will make your nails look super shiny but it'll also help to keep the nail varnish on a lot longer.

My completed Strawberry Nails!...

Strawberry nails can be created by using cocktail sticks too so don't feel like you have to rush out and buy dotting tools :)

Hope you like my Strawberry Nails!


  1. Nice Strawberry Nails:)

    following now, i hope you can follow back also!


  2. aw i love them, so cute! definitely gonna have to try and copy this haha:) xx

  3. Awww these are so cute! My nails are non-existent atm due to biting them with exam stress haha!

  4. Ahhh, they're lovely~!

  5. I did these today... THANK YOU! No-where near as good as yours and had to use some dry spaghetti to do my dots as I'd run out of cocktail sticks, haha!

  6. Im right handed how do u do both of your hands so perfect
