
Wednesday 18 May 2011

Lipstick Of The Week (LOTW)

So my favourite lipstick of the week has to be MAC Sweet Bits! MAC Sweet Bits is a limited edition lipstick and it was part of the MAC Dazzle Lipstick collection, the lipsticks in this collection were fabulous and were definitely ideal for glitter lovers!

Sweet Bits is a lovely pale pink lipstick which contains tons and tons of glitter!

Here's Sweet Bits...

As you can clearly see, this is a well and truly loved lipstick! I will be so so sad when this runs out, I think I may have to find a replacement!

A close up of Sweet Bits...

Look at how much glitter is in that lipstick! It's so sparkly and shiny!

Swatches of Sweet Bits...

A swatch on my lips...

I love this lipstick so much and I wish I'd have got more of them! I just hope MAC re-promote the dazzle lipsticks in a future collection. 

If any of you manage to find one of the dazzle lipsticks then it's definitely worth buying. These lipsticks are utter gems! 

Hope you all liked my Lipstick Of The Week! :)


  1. I'd never think to pick up that colour, but looks really nice.. I love your nails by the way :)


  2. I really love your nails, they're so cute and the lipstick is really pretty and sparkly! :)

  3. OMG!! I totally wanted this lippy months back for xmas but it was limited addition! gutted!!! it looks lush, and love you iccle penguin nails, please follow my blog hun, i am a newby

  4. @Lowri - Thank you so much! I'm glad you like them! :) I followed your blog! :) x

    @Natalie - Thank you very muchly! :D I love that lipstick will be gutted when I've used it all up lol! x

    @Katie - It's so annoying when MAC bring out awesome lipsticks but make them limited edition :( i know on eBay that some people are selling the dazzle lipsticks so it might be worth looking! :D and thank you, glad you love my nails! :D I've followed your blog too! :) x
