
Saturday 18 June 2011

Shopping in Cardiff

So today I went shopping in Cardiff with my lovely boyfriend. We had never been before so thought we may as well go on a little adventure. The 'little' adventure wasn't so little, it was HUGE. Not only did it take us near enough 2 hours to get there, we also struggled to find all the shops. I honestly couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the size of Cardiff, it's full to the brim with shops!

I was so amazed that there was a free standing MAC store and also a MAC counter in Debenhams, and I have to say that I was a little bit jealous. However, I found the MAC sales assistants in Debenhams appalling, they are probably the most unhelpful people I have ever come across in my life. After finally getting one of the SA's attention, I told her what I wanted but she didn't even call me over to say she had got it! I must have looked psychic or something! She didn't even crack a smile when serving me at the till! Clearly she doesn't understand that politeness and manners cost nothing.

The staff may have been naff in Debenhams but they certainly weren't in the MAC store, Joanne and Lucy were lovely! I must have been talking to Joanne for about an hour! She was so so lovely and really funny! If you're ever in Cardiff and need MAC things, Joanne is the one to go to. She spent a long time talking to me about different products and various launches and even gave me a sample of foundation to try which was really lovely of her!

So let's talk about my purchases. Today I bought some lovely things from MAC and Topshop. I also bought a nail varnish and bobbles from Superdrug but I doubt any of you will find that interesting. I also hoped to get more MUA Pro goodies but unfortunately they didn't have any left.

MAC purchases:
MAC eyebrow pencil in 'Lingering' - £11.50

MAC eyeshadow refill in 'Mulch' - £9.50

MAC lipstick in 'Impassioned' - £13.50

MAC lipstick in 'Creme Cup' - £13.50

Here's my MAC foundation sample, I just love the sample packet! The foundation is MAC Pro Longwear and it's in the shade NC15. 

Topshop purchases:
Topshop coral flower crochet insert waist sundress - £34.00
Topshop basic white scoop vest - £6.00
Topshop MOTO bleach leigh ankle grazer jeans - £36.00 

Superdrug purchase:
Beauty UK glam nails nail varnish in 'Soft Green' - £2.49 

The nail varnish was purely bought for the purpose of creating Angry Birds nails. 

I hoped you all liked my purchases, if any of you have any questions then feel free to comment in the box below. I shall be doing separate swatch posts on the products I purchased today so keep a look out!


  1. Cardiff is my favourite place to shop ever (I am biased as I live there lol) How annoying that the debenhams staff were bitches.. they're normally really nice in there too! Love everything you've bought!


  2. Oooh glad to hear you had a good day! My shopping trip to Manchester wasn't as eventful as I hoped. There was very little MUA pro left too so I didn't pick any of that up.xx

  3. I love impassioned and creme cup!(L)

  4. It's interesting how MAC staff change. When I went to Selfridges in London the staff were really hopelees and didn't seem to understand what I was looking for and just insisted that I buy studio-fix... despit me explaining that I don't like it's finish!

    In the Trafford Centre in Manchester however they were absolutely lovely and not pushy at all! I live in the south of England but I always make sure I drop by there every time Im in Manchester for their lovely service.

    I always find it really funny how the staff changes depending where you are.
