
Friday 1 July 2011

How to create Glitter Stripe Nails!

A couple of days a go, I did a post about my nail art wheel and I don't know if any of you noticed but I had included a design I've never done a tutorial on. Today I received a lovely email from Helena asking me to do the tutorial so here it is.

To create glitter stripe nails you will need...

You don't have to use the same nail varnish as me as Nails Inc is pretty expensive, using cheaper alternatives works just as well. If you don't own nail art tools then don't feel like you have to rush out and buy them as cocktail sticks work as great nail art tools.

To create glitter stripe nails, follow my nice and easy steps:

1.) Apply the purple nail varnish to your nails. You may need to use 2 coats depending on what your nail varnish is like.

2.) Apply 3 stripes to your nails using the glitter nail varnish and a thin brush.

3.) Once dry apply a top coat. You don't necessarily have to apply a top coat but it will protect your nails.

A close up...

Thanks for reading! Hope you like my sparkly nails! They remind me of humbug sweets! :P

If anyone would like to suggest nail tutorials then feel free to comment in the box below.


  1. That's a really pretty look! And it seems easy too :) I'll probably be trying this out xD

    My Blog :)

  2. They are awesome!! This would be fab with NFU OH 61 for the shiny strips too xxx

  3. what shades did you use for this look?

  4. I never thought of using a brush on my nails, what a great idea!

  5. Where do u get your super thin brush from
