
Thursday 7 July 2011

How to create Mr Men Nails!

I really didn't know which nail art tutorial to do this week and for about a month or so I've been questioning whether to do Mr Men nails or not. Today I finally came to the conclusion that I wanted to create them, they're fun, colourful and fit in well with my personality, if you haven't guessed already I'm a little bit barmy!

Here is a list of the characters I created:
Left hand:
Little finger - Mr Happy
Ring finger - Mr Strong
Middle finger - Mr Greedy
Index finger - Mr Bump
Thumb - Mr Tickle

Right Hand:
Little finger - Mr Small
Ringer finger - Mr Nosey
Middle finger - Mr Tall
Index finger - Mr Chatterbox
Thumb - Mr Daydream

To create Mr Men nails you will need:

  • White nail varnish
  • Top coat
  • Nail art tools / cocktail sticks
  • A variety of nail paints / nail varnishes. These will be used to create each character.

You don't have to use the exact same nail varnishes and nail paints as me, if you've got a good range of nail varnishes then you'll easily be able to create these nails. Also, please do not feel like you have to rush out and buy nail art tools because it really isn't necessary, before I started to use nail art tools I used cocktail sticks and I found that they worked as great nail art tools.

If you want to create Mr Men nails then all you have to do is follow my nice and easy-ish steps.

1.) First, apply a coat of the white nail varnish to your nails. You may need more than one coat depending on what your nail varnish is like.

2.) It's time to create the characters. Using specific nail paints and also nail art tools, create the character bodies. For example, to create 'Mr Happys' body, use a dotting tool, yellow nail paint and then place a large dot in the centre of your nail. If this step sounds a little tricky then look at the photograph provided.

3.) Let's give our characters some arms, legs and feet. To do this you need to use a thin tipped brush and a variety of nail paints. You need to use the specific nail paint that you used to create the body, i.e. if you used a red nail paint to create 'Mr Strongs' body then you need to use the red nail paint when creating his arms, legs and feet.

4.) It's time to give our characters some eyes, a smile and little added extras.
For the eyes, all you have to do is use a small tipped dotting tool and black nail paint, apply 2 small dots to each character.
For the mouth, all you have to do is use a thin tipped brush and black nail paint, apply a thin curved line (mouth shape) to each of the characters.
For the extra features, e.g. hats, used a small tipped brush and the specified nail paint. For example, if 'Mr Tickle' has a blue hat then use the blue nail paint.

I repeated steps 2, 3 and 4 on my other hand but I created different Mr Men characters. Initially I thought about doing the same characters on both hands but I decided it'd look better if I had different characters.

Here are the other characters...

Once both hands are dry, apply a top coat as this will help to protect your nails.

Hope you like my Mr Men nails! If any of you would like to request a nail tutorial then please feel free to comment below! :D


  1. Hehe these are awesome! Your so creative! How you manage to do your right hand I don't know, I'm hopeless at using my left hand lol xx

  2. These are amazing! Such a good job and a fab tutorial x

  3. ScienceGeek - Thank you lovely! :D I must have a very steady hand, either that or it's plenty of months doing nail art :P xx

    xXxStundonxXx - Thanks love! :D I'm glad you like them! :D I love these nails, probably the most fun ones that I've done :P xx

  4. Heyy I served you in Topshop on Sat, just come to check out your website!
    I'm still absolutely loving these Mr Men nails. Very clever and creative.

  5. Hey love! :D
    Thank you! :D So glad you like them! I love my mr men nails :P will be gutted when they start to chip! :P x

  6. melanie hewitson11 July 2011 at 02:58

    OMG - i thought you must have had wee stick ons - your very clever Cole, WTG!!! - look forward to future tutorials of your nails on YOUTUBE!!! (hint hint)

  7. OH MY GOD! they're amazing! i love :O thats so cool, you have truly blown me away:'-)

  8. That is so awesome I'm getting dotting tools nextweek this is gonna be great but I was suggesting if you could do a every day nail tutorial for the people who want to wear it to school and not have it chipped in two days other than that the idea was awesome and you are a specialist at doing nails now you know how to get money
